Albert Meijer
Advisor Culture - Creative Europe
a.meijer [at] dutchculture.nl

Rajae el Morabet Belhaj
Junior Advisor Culture - Creative Europe
r.elmorabetbelhaj [at] dutchculture.nl

Uitslagen subsidieregeling Europese samenwerkingsprojecten 2023

Straat in Roemenië met kleurrijke paraplu's
Foto: Haseeb Jabil (Unsplash)
Haseeb Jabil

Uitslagen subsidieregeling Europese samenwerkingsprojecten 2023

Creative Europe Desk NL feliciteert de 35 Nederlandse aanvragers die zijn geselecteerd!

De uitslag van de oproep Europese samenwerkingsprojecten 2023 is bekendgemaakt. In totaal zijn er achtendertig Nederlandse organisaties betrokken als projectleider, projectpartner of associate partner bij samenwerkingsprojecten. Er zijn vijf Nederlandse projectleiders en vierentwintig projectpartners. Tien organisaties doen mee als associate partners, wat betekent dat ze op eigen kosten meedraaien in een project. Nu alle contracten van de projecten zijn getekend, is de selectie officieel en mogen we de resultaten delen. Het gaat om de volgende projecten en partijen:

Kleinschalige projecten

  •  AWAKE - Arts and Wellbeing As a Creative Business and Future Livelihood, Stichting Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst (associate partner)
  • Equal Pay, Equal Show, Equal Pension, Stichting Fixdit (project partner)
  • Singing with Additional Needs, Stichting Kanker in Beeld (project partner)
  • Transitioning Landscapes: new forms for landscape-based arts, Stichting Waddenacademie (associate partner), Staatsbosbeheer (associate partner) en Stichting Terschellings Oerol Festival (projectleider)
  • CASSANDRA: Capacity Building for the Socially Engaged Storyteller, Stichting Storytelling Centre (project partner)
  • GREEN FUTURES: EU graphic design and visual communication industry driving change for green transformation, Stichting Creatives for Climate (project partner)
  • Fluctuations studies to what extent the use of waterways and a multi-stakeholder approach is a response to the challenges of decarbonization and concentration in the performing arts, Geraldine Moodley (associate partner) en Vibelab BV (project partner)
  • METAVENUES - The European Performing Arts Venues of the Future, (Gemeente Groningen (projectleider)
  • Climate Protection Competences for European Historic Houses, Herbertus Johannes Bernardus Hiep (project partner)
  • NIGHT SCHOOL - European night culture academy, Vibelab BV (projectleider)
  • Intergalactica: books for the the culture without borders, Stichting Fotodok (project partner)
  • Spatial Audio Network Europe, Stichting Effenaar Smart Venue (project partner)
  • Exploring Expanded Publishing: Research, production and modelling of Expanded Publishing formats, Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam (associate partner) en Stichting Hogeschool van Amsterdam (projectleider)


Middelgrote projecten

  • Future Narratives for Planet Earth, Stichting Theater Bellevue (project partner)
  • Living Heritage Journeys. The integration of intangible heritage into cultural heritage tourism experiences, Stichting Hoger Onderwijs Nederland (associate parter)
  • Accelerating Publishing Accessibility through Collaboration in Europe, Stichting Dedicon (project partner)
  • Rethinking Europe through the lens of solidarity, asylum, and the 'New Europeans', Stichting Salwa (project partner)
  • "CONTESTED DESIRES: Constructive Dialogues, Creative space for democratic conversations about the heritage of colonialism", Stichting Creative Court (project partner) en Stichting Herengracht 401 (project partner)
  • ForesTEEN, Stichting Jeugdtheater Amsterdam (project partner)
  • Young Designers for Next Generation Europe, Stichting What Descign Can Do (project partner)
  • Raising environmental awareness through Performing Arts, Stichting ZID (project partner)
  • Attitudes - Hip hop dance across Europe, Stichting Summer Dance Forever (project partner)
  • CLIMATE ART FUSION CARAVANE, Gires-Global Institute for Research, Education & Scholarship BV (project partner)
  • Turning The Tide: Creative Action for uncharted climate emergencies, Dear Hunter (project partner)


Grootschalige projecten

  • FashionTEX European Academy for Young Designers to Study Innovative Technologies in Digital Fashion Design, The Amsterdam Fashion Academy BV (project partner)
  • Europe Beyond Access, Stichting Holland Dance Festival (project partner) en Stichting Julidans (associate partner)
  • The Independent Movement for Electronic Scenes, Stichting Le Guess Who (project partner)
  • Connecting Emerging Literary Artists, Stichting De Wintertuin (projectleider)
  • Studiotopia: Enter the Symbiocene with Arts and Science, Stichting VU (associate partner)
  • International Contemporary Dance Collective 2024-2027, Stichting Shift (project partner)
  • CO-VISION, European League of Institutes of the Arts Vereniging (associate partner)
  • Sustainable EEEmerging: boosting the sustainability of young artist career and of organisations in Early Music, Stichting Wonderfeel (associate partner)

In totaal hebben 165 Nederlandse organisaties meegedaan in een aanvraag, waarvan uiteindelijk 35 organisaties geselecteerd zijn, wat het Nederlandse slagingspercentage op 21,21% brengt, net iets boven het algehele slaginspercentage van 18,65% Europawijd.

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